Wed, Jan 18th, 2006
Well It's been some time since I've posted anything 'new' to the site. Some of it's starting to feel a little outdated. If I get a couple of spare moments. I just might do something about that. What's been going on, well, quite a lot. Some in the 'family area'
Work (I changed jobs)
Ebay (More down below on this subject)
E-bay report (I hope to start back doing it again, soon, I hope (It's a time thing)
New Area's
While I do keep my eye on E-bay. I have in the past couple of months, found a interesting group of Collector's, Both here in the States and in Finland.
I've been spending quite a bit of time dealing with the Finnish side of these collectors.
I've goten several nice additions to my collection, have done trades, bought, and even got other tackle products to trade with.(You ever seen a 12/0 or 16/0 saltwater treble hook, One of my traders needs these to fish with!)
I've seen Rapala / Normark lures, that I have never seen before!!
For the most part, it's been good for both parties
I do wish I knew more of the Finnish language than I do. (it's sometimes a little difficult to figure it all out.)
I do have one very solid contact over there that has helped in a number of language translation difficulties I have run into.(A very small number that is.)
I even traded a dvd movie for a couple of Rapala lures.
It's truly been a pleasure to get a look at some of this stuff. The guys over there are great and sometimes have an interesting sense of humor.
Other stuff I seen besides the lures (I never knew about) Catalogs, Posters, little guidebooks, different color patterns,etc.
While the currency exchange has been interesting to figure out and 'how to get it there'
The euro has taken a little bit out of my collection budget. At least I haven't been dealing in the sterling pound. (Danm Brits)
Some of the things I've added, A few Shallow Tail Dancers, a few catalogs, A couple of Rapala 'spoons' lure (the type I never knew about, very interesting), A couple of different color patterns, and I'm waiting for a few others to arrive.
So while I don't 'spend' as much time on e-bay, count on it, I'm still around and 'notice' a lot of what I've been seeing. You guys (The Reg's here) have added some great items to your collections.
The other set of 'collectors' that I have just started getting to know (Here in the States, Have really impressed me. A interesting group of people. (Quite a few Rapala closet collectors) They seem to focus on a lot of the other stuff in the tackle hobby, From High end to low end and everything in between.
1 gentleman has been very helpful to me and I have had some very pleasent e-mail contacts with him. He's gone out of his way to give me some advise, pointed me in the right direction and has become a 'net-friend'. He's a great guy!
It's going to be an interesting 'club' that I'll be joining.
Anyway, Thought I just try to update what's been going on. Glad to see there's a few of you still around.
Have a good one
BTW, It's 4:00 am in Finland & I need to get a e-mail out for them in the morning
See'ya at the auction block (Now go & bid, ya know what I talking about. Who's going to get it!!)
Signing off,
Steve "Rapala-Guru"
if you haven't been to the home page on this site, you might not be aware that I split the "Cove". The Photo Section has been moved.
Steve "Rapala-Guru"